Why Are So Many Homeowners Switching to Synthetic Turf in the Pacific Northwest?

Many homeowners are opting for a forever-green lawn and making the switch to synthetic turf. This has become a popular choice for many living in the Pacific Northwest. If you are tired of the upkeep of a lawn or unsightly grass during dry summers and wet winters, it may be time to look for alternatives. You can save time and money while increasing curb appeal with synthetic turf in the Pacific Northwest.

What are the benefits of synthetic turf? Why are many considering it an ideal alternative in the PNW? Let’s explore this maintenance-free grass and how it can elevate your lawn.

Lawn Health

The Pacific Northwest is prone to mold. Constant rain and moisture in the air supports the growth of mold. Natural lawns trap this moisture in the roots while overgrown grass creates the shade needed to encourage mold growth. Conversely, synthetic turf is designed to be porous and drain water away. Top artificial grasses can drain at a rate of 1,200 inches per hour, making it ideal for the wetter climate of the PNW. Installing synthetic turf can reduce the risk of mold, not only improving the health of your lawn but also your own personal health.

Natural grass is also susceptible to diseases such as Rhizoctonia—a soil-borne fungus that can lead to root rot and cause unsightly brown patches in your lawn. Treating diseases costs time and money.

Avoid potential fungi and other diseases by switching to an artificial lawn. This can improve the health of your lawn while saving you the extra expense and hassle of treating disease.

Less Maintenance

Synthetic turf in the Pacific Northwest ensures maximum curb appeal with minimal maintenance. In the PNW, your natural lawn will most likely be brown during the summer and soggy and muddy during the winter. The Pacific Northwest is known for moisture from rain and snow, causing pesky mud and puddles. Your lawn may flood, killing your grass.

In an effort to preserve your lawn, much of your weekend can be consumed by yard maintenance. If you want your weekends back to host parties, spend time with family and friends, or get out and explore, synthetic turf looks great without much attention. Reclaim your weekends without compromising the appearance of your lawn. With synthetic turf, you only have to occasionally spot clean or gently rake to clear debris and perk the blades of the turf back up.

Eliminate Weeds and Pests

You can cut back on weeds and pests with artificial turf. Synthetic turf has a fabric weed barrier beneath the turf, restricting the growth of weeds. Pests also thrive in natural grass. Cutting back on weeds and pests saves you time and money.

Synthetic turf also eliminates the need for harsh herbicides and pesticides so you can allow your children and pets to play without risking exposure to these chemicals.

Reduce Ground Pollution

In addition to eliminating the need for pesticides and herbicides, you will no longer need to fertilize your lawn either. Eliminating pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers eliminates the use of chemicals that can lead to ground pollution. Excessive fertilization can cause soil degradation, nitrogen leaching, a reduction in soil organic matter, and a host of other problems that can not only change the pH of the soil but lead to greenhouse gas emissions.

Switching to artificial turf eliminates the need for these chemicals, therefore potentially reducing your yard’s environmental impact.

Reduce Air Pollution

In addition to ground pollution, having natural grass can also impact air quality. The gas-powered lawnmowers, edgers, and blowers used by millions of people across the US contribute to harmful pollution affecting climate change. A study suggests that an hour of mowing the lawn can emit virtually the same amount of air pollution as a 100-mile car trip. Installing synthetic turf eliminates the need to cut and trim your natural lawn, which in turn reduces air pollution from the equipment.


With the wet seasons of the Pacific Northwest, a natural lawn may need to be replaced more often. Additionally, the risk of mold leading to root rot can cause brown patches, killing off sections of natural grass. You can avoid having to replace patches of grass or reseed sections of your lawn with synthetic turf.

High-quality artificial grass can last up to 12 to 15 years, while natural grass may need to be replaced every few years. Even during the long summer months, synthetic grass is built to withstand fading. The flexible fibers are soft to the touch but built for durability. The backing material is designed to withstand the sun as well as act as drainage for the Pacific Northwest rain.

Easy Cleanup

If you have children or pets or love to host outdoor parties, synthetic turf is easy to clean and able to withstand high foot traffic, dogs trying to dig up your lawn, or messes from pets or guests. Simply hose down your artificial grass or spot clean with mineral spirits for tougher stains. If you are concerned about odor from pets, a simple mix of water and vinegar can eliminate odor. These solutions are safe for your lawn and take less time than the regular lawn maintenance of natural grass.

If your synthetic turf is looking a little flat, simply use a brush or a non-metal rake. Raking or brushing your synthetic grass redistributes the blades so they wear more evenly and last longer. It also helps keep the blades upright, making your lawn look more natural.

During the wet season, synthetic turf is less prone to mud than natural grass, reducing the mud pets and people track into your house. It’s easy to keep your outdoors and indoors clean with synthetic turf, no matter the season or weather.

For these reasons and more, many homeowners in the Pacific Northwest and beyond are making the switch to artificial grass. If you want a beautiful lawn with minimal upkeep, Sportech is the expert when it comes to commercial & residential synthetic turf installation in the Pacific Northwest, and we even offer financing options. We are here to answer any questions and help you get started. Contact us today for a free estimate.